Classic Custom Event Tickets

myZone custom tickets are printed on thermal paper ticket stock, with one perforation across the bottom (good for 50/50 contests) & a snazzy looking security hologram. You can choose from 10 different colour options.

We print our classic custom stag party tickets at 300 DPI on high quality medium weight ticket stock. All tickets include holographic foils that can be customized with your logo, thermal printing, perforations, unique numbering, and full image/logo integration

Fear not – many stag parties are planned last minute, and we can print your tickets fast! Orders approved by 3pm PST will be available for shipping the same afternoon.

Custom Stag Ticket Samples



Ticket Quantity  Rate (in $CAD)
1-350 $38.50 flat rate
351-1999 11¢/ticket
2,000 – 2,999 9.5¢/ticket
3,000 – 3,999 8.5¢/ticket
4,000 – 4,999 7.5¢/ticket
5,000 – 9,999 7¢/ticket
10,000 – 19,999 6¢/ticket
20,000 – 49,999 5¢/ticket
50,000+ 4¢/ticket