Offer Event Payment Options for Pricey Tickets
Don’t let expensive ticket prices stand between you and your customers. With ticketZone’s event payment options, you can market more expensive marquee events to a broader audience. For example, a buyer can purchase a $300 ticket with 6 easy monthly payments of $50. Give your customers financial flexibility by dividing payments over a set period of time before your event.
Boost Your Conversion Rates Instantly
Here’s another big benefit to having event payment options: It helps conversion rates, as it is much easier for someone to commit to a ticket payment plan. Once someone is locked in, they are much more likely to complete the full purchase, as they are now vested. Getting early commitment from a large group of people is the best marketing any event can have! If someone misses a payment, there is a period of time they can make things right (that time period is predetermined by you), after which they forfeit any payments made.
How Our System Works
Our ticket payment plan is a self-help, easy-to-use feature. But you can always reach out to a ticketZone account manager if you have questions. There is nothing you need to integrate from your site; it’s a built-in feature of ticketZone.
Other Benefits of Ticket Payment Plans
The key benefits here are increase conversion rates and faster early-bird sales. As a result, you will experienced increase sales and attendance, since allowing patrons to pay in installments is a very attractive option. And you’ll potentially gain repeat business; once people see they have more options; you can also promote this as a benefit throughout your social media marketing).
Reach out to a ticketZone account manager today to enable this great